Del-York Industries

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Del-York Industries

Focus on Extractive Industries and Metal/Mineral Mining:

Del-York Industries is deeply invested in the extractive industries, offering comprehensive services to advance metal and mineral mining. Our approach prioritizes sustainable mining practices, innovative technology integration, and strategic investments to enhance efficiency and environmental stewardship. We work closely with stakeholders to develop and implement mining projects that not only contribute to economic development but also adhere to the highest standards of sustainability and responsible resource management.

Del-York is committed to transforming industries and enriching economies with sustainable and innovative solutions.


Del-York Industries leads in innovation and sustainability, driving prosperity through strategic consulting, development, and investment in key sectors. Our targeted services include:


Expertise in strategic planning, efficiency enhancement, and market strategies.


Spearheading economic growth through infrastructure projects in ports, energy, and education.


Catalyzing growth by investing in promising ventures in oil & gas, mining, agriculture, and healthcare.

Energy Solutions

Developing sustainable energy projects to meet Africa's growing needs.